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About the Property

The Beijing Tongzhou Integrated Development is an iconic landmark mixed-use development, comprising retail, offices and residences. The project is sited on three of the most prime plots of land fronting the famous Grand Canal in Beijing's Tongzhou District.

Tongzhou District, located in the South East of Beijing, is approximately 13 km to Beijing's city centre and 16 km to the Capital International Airport. With the district slated to be Beijing's new Central Business District1 and a major financial and commercial hub, the Beijing Tongzhou Integrated Development is well-poised to capitalise on the expected rapid growth in the region.

The integrated development is expected to enjoy direct connectivity to a future subway interchange station (Line M6 and Line S6) and a future bus interchange (expected to commence operations in end-FY2014). In addition, the development is at close proximity to the subway station serving the upcoming R1 subway line, which will link Tongzhou District to Beijing city centre.

For more information, please visit www.beijingtongzhou.com

Property Information

  • Phase One
  • Phase Two
Effective Ownership 30.0%
Location Plots 13, 14-2, Xinhua Avenua, Tongzhou District, Beijing
Description Retail podium: 5 retail levels (3 above ground and 2 basement levels)
Office and Residences: 3 towers
Carpark: 2 basement levels
Gross Floor Area Retail: 1,650,000
Office: 1,210,000
Residences: 660,000
Carpark / Others: 1,030,000
Total: 4,550,000
Expected Date of Commencement of Opration FY 2017
Land Tenure 40 years (Commercial) from date of land use rights grant contract
50 years (Composite) from date of land use rights grant contract
Property Website Link www.beijingtongzhou.com


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Beijing Tongzhou Subway Map

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